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#butterflyEffect App for Twitter #butterflyEffect App for Twitter on Amazon Appstore
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Find Hashtags Related To Every Trend

When you use the #butterflyEffect app for Twitter to search for a topic, keyword, event or hashtags, the application detects all the hashtags that are found in the search results, and any relationships created between them by users.

The hashtags view displays the list of all the hashtags that were found. It displays information regarding the duration of the hashtag as known so far, and the number of related hashtags found. A color coded scheme helps quickly identify the recency of the hashtag thereby denoting how "hot" it is.

You will be able to find hashtags that are likely to start trending and see any related hashtags that other twitter users are creating. This information is especially useful when you are tracking chats about an event that could be using multiple hashtags. This also helps you narrow down your search criteria by including or excluding some of the related hashtags. This feature is particularly handy to find the best hashtag to use to make your tweet reach a larger audience.

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